
They have 3 biological children. Shiloh and the twins Knox and Vivenne.

This was an interesting, excellent interview. Wow!!

Agreed. I don’t trust him. He basically took rumors that has been circulating, mixed it in with some public situations like Will slapping Chris, that show Hawthorn getting cancelled and swirled into his version of the truth. I’m not saying Will and Jada couldn’t have an open marriage but I don’t believe they would bring him into that, especially when he says how much Jada disliked him. Everything he said was at one point or another in the tabloids.


Definitely, whether it was sexual or not. He wanted to be the one close to Will, who had Will’s ear. Jada pushed him out. Tashaaaa I don’t know about this guy….

Agreed. Not his choice to say Will should come out or not. He seems very upset Will chose Jada over him.

He lost me with the accusation of sexual assault. I don’t buy that. A lot of his story seems credible especially with rumors that have always circulated about Will and Jada. They should have never addressed the August situation, because until they confirmed it, it was all just speculation, he said, she said. Since then, Jada just keeps talking to try and repair the damage but it’s not working. It was better for them when she was aloof and quiet. Now the public dislikes and distrust her and that makes it easy to believe someone like Brother Bilal.