
Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Very risky. Hope his tests continue to be negative. I want an update on his mom after she watched this interview. Imagine if he did do heterosexual porn, he would surely be the highest paid person in that business, Period.💰

Jun 29 at 02:04 PM

@Auriel Robinson, me too! I think that Cora was plotting to take him when he was born the whole time that Michelle was pregnant. She is twisted, sick and pure evil. I feel so bad for Michelle. Praying!🙏🏽
Used, mentally abused her, and 'stole' her baby (Money Talks...for Rich People). The Handmaid's Tale ain't just no tale, it is real y'all.

Jun 26 at 10:46 AM

They preyed on her weakness and manipulated her and took her baby all because they can't have one. I pray that she gets "her" child back.
This interview is going to be hilarious.🤣 Aunty Hammy tried to put the Goodwill version of the "Marilyn Monroe"/Kim K. sequined dress on TK. Just wrong!😂You are a good sport Tasha.🍷 Lamine is adorable.

Jun 17 at 09:49 PM

Trevor Jackson should play him in a movie because he looks like him. When that insect was flying near Tasha it was trying to tell her to get the hell out of there. When that one wife started going off a little bit and her voice changed (deepened), I was like Tasha please get the hell out of there. Tasha's facial expression at them worshipping his picture was priceless.

Jun 17 at 09:35 PM

When Tasha would ask them how long ago something happened they were always hesitant to answer. Why? Because, they want to erase the memories of their lives before they met him. I would never leave my child for a man. He is not God. He is just a controlling man (that they worship). They are weakminded. They do not want to deal with this thing called LIFE, so they ran away from it. Sad!

Jun 17 at 07:05 PM

Hitting the wine glass🍷🥄

Jun 11 at 12:32 AM

@Lady Muhammad Yes

Jun 11 at 12:31 AM

@Peaches Royale Miss you too Sissypoo🥰