
Replied on Day 6 #lightsnack

Jan 22 at 08:42 AM

Yeees 😂 It honestly helps taking my time eating them instead of shoving a hand full in my mouth at a time

Replied on Day 6 #lightsnack

Jan 22 at 08:40 AM

Ikr they had this since I was a child.. im 50 .. 😂

Commented on Detox day 2

Jan 17 at 09:16 PM

*Oh I added 🌿 fresh cilantro it was cut off in my pic..

Jan 17 at 09:07 PM

I drink green tea and squeeze lemon or an orange taste so much better drinking it

Commented on Day 1 of 14 Day Detox

Jan 16 at 07:19 PM

Good idea!!

Jan 16 at 07:00 PM

How did that smoothie taste?

Replied on Detox

Jan 16 at 03:27 PM

Yes ma’am, they’re actually really good I got them from Aldi’s

Replied on Detox

Jan 16 at 03:25 PM

Aldi’s…. and they are Raw!

Commented on post was deleted

Nov 28 at 01:40 PM

Me either

Commented on CARBON NATION

Jul 10 at 08:13 PM
