
Right but after awhile in prison they walk away freely. I’ve been in prison with child molesters

Kmarie Pitts really. That’s mostly where it happens. Even though every race has done this

The reason why Tasha K didn’t challenge her is because if she did. She wouldn’t have said what she said. So you have to let the person think you agree with them

Yami Diego I fully agree with you. If wasn’t that Tasha was trying to go against her. Sometimes you have to push people and ask them the hard questions. That how you get them to understand and see. So they can break out that type of behavior and programming that got them in that situation in the first place. And who says this girl has low self esteem. People pray on the weak. It wasn’t that she was broken. It is because the world is so judgmental. So no one can express they’re selves without being judged. And that’s how these predators get these woman


Nellie not true. Just because a group or a sect or people bound together by veneration by the same thing doesn’t mean a cult. It’s devotion or spinster strange beliefs that are not of good and blindly following a person who shows to be a savior is a cult.

This is something I never heard of. But I knew exist. People are doing other type of crazy shit to people nowadays. Spiritual warfare is at it’s highest. It’s scary. Just stay covered EVERYONE


Dragon Blue this the problem people are so judgmental. Anything she would have done will be bad to you. She’s just trying to tell her truth. It’s therapeutic and heals people. Everyone expects you to keep everything to yourself


CurlyLox I get you. But not everyone who has crackhead parents go thru this

Dragon Blue people are but some people consequences are harsher. Than other people these same things happen to