
Jo I mean if you listen to what type of life he had adds up. Like he was getting money how do you think that he was able to take care of all those kids

Tawana G sweetie I can text myself from another phone and put the contact as with ever name. We don’t see that. That number matches her brother actual number

NobleRapportLife📸 how wouldn’t she be certain who did it. She was already abused with living with her mom. A lot of SA victims do re live the trama over and over


First off she didn’t know that he was circumcised. Two she said her brother raped her and lie. He did help her. He got out of jail and got her out of foster care. Bye and I don’t find him attractive


Well spoken knowledgeable guy. Love him


So then stop paying. No one put a gun to your head to be here or listen. It’s simple stop paying damn. Cry baby

Word this is a lot. You’re taking this very personal. Seems like she hit a nerve

Mar 02 at 08:28 AM

Selena came out in theaters. It was really big for the Latino community. Plus there was a big deal with the community because J Lo wasn’t Mexican

Please people that work normal jobs don’t get STD’s. That a joke these same people with “ RESPECTABLE “ JOBS. Are the same ones that PAY these type of women.