Tawana G

Chicago, IL, United States

That's really disturbing what he's doing to that child. Why would anyone let him have custody of a child? Call cps.

Nelly Wap was too much. That was wild. She out here living life on the edge.

That lady messing with that non verbal man is sick asl. I think she’s delusional.


I’ve never seen a TS show. Not ever. 🤷🏾‍♀️

I honestly believe Diddy did test men by making them perform sexual acts. He’s gay and he hates women. Did he marry Love’s mother secretly? That’s the rumor.


Akademics is a dumb bitch idk why ppl follow him. He’s shouldn’t even be famous.

I believe him. These men are so problematic. Be presenting one way knowing they want what I want.

MEOSHA THOMAS yes we agree lol. And I like the idea of doing criminal background checks lol. I hope I’m not single again ever lol but I’m not dating any man with a criminal background at all I’m too scared. Avoided them my entire life lol. But I don’t mind ppl responding, i just feel like ppl don’t respect my opinion. I don’t mind picking a side and being bias sometimes. I have my own values and opinions. And I really don’t apologize for that.

MEOSHA THOMAS yeah I watch em all. But I certainly would be keeping an eye on men from prison that’s all I’m saying. And I do have judgement for men in prison I’ll admit that and it’s not deep it’s smart. I grew up in the hood and learned what men to engage and which ones not to engage. But I’m married and 40 I got this at this point in my life. I don’t ignore signs and I’ll press chargers on whoever. Uncle, cousin, my own daddy. So yeah it’s equal opportunity.
