I realize I'm really toxic. When is Tasha coming back? Please don't delete or block me.
She's cute & I love the Nola accent. She's funnier when u change the playback rate to 1.5x
She linked a gofundme on her IG
I have to watch what I ask God too. I get my prayers answered & I think I hear God laughing while dishing out my blessings.
He said he hasn't spoken to Marjorie in 20 yrs but he also said he asked her if she'd be ok with him writing a book & she was nonchalant with her response.
One more thing & I'm done with this one. I promise. 😊 My husband was BUH-ROKE when I met him!!!! He tried lying about it, but it wasn't hard to figure it out. I asked why he was trying to date while he was in a financial struggle. He reassured me that if I gave him a chance, I'd see how much better things would be. It took 5yrs before he was able to pay every last bill for US & still able to help our extended family. It was hard for those 5yrs, but we kept openly communicating & he treated me like I was a rare jewel that he was afraid to lose. How he treated me made up for the lack of money. We got a big increase sticking together.
Another thing. As a black mom, I continue to help my adult kids even when they decided not to listen to me the 1st hundred times. My money still is going out, but not as much since they're making better choices. All were on one of my back accounts I had for each of them until one of them damn near caused me to lose my momey over a scammer. Never again! There a lot of black people who help each other build!
Nope to the Mexican working together to help family. Not at all 100% for all! Black women do that shit. I'm one! My husband & I are ALWAYS sending monetary help to our daughter bcuz she & her Mexican husband have taken in all of his adult siblings & their kids. They don't help him with the bills, so we do & they're 9hrs away.