There's some truth in a lie & some lie in the truth. Something like that. It's taken me over an hour to watch 44 minutes bcuz I keep rewinding. I'm so confused. Does it get better?
DID Tasha leave to go scream?! I did!😱
What's her username on Tiktok & Youtube
WAIT! I understand now. After she talked about being given drugs over & over & sold for 3 days, she lost me. I'll keep watching just bcuz I'm a follow-thruer!
What's her name so I can find her videos?
She could be telling the truth as she remembers it. I can't be sure about anything anymore. I found out about 6 months ago that my dad's adoptive father touched lil kids & wasn't allowed to adopt but some underhanded things happened & my dad was adopted or taken. I really don't know the truth. They've been dead a long time, but there are still enough family members who knew about it. Some of my dad's bad behavior made sense after I heard this news. Whether he was touched or not, he always acted like he hated my grandfather. This all happened over 50yrs ago, but I found out in 2021 & it hurt to even think that my dad or other kids were harmed.

Apr 22 at 01:40 AM

$5?!!! That's it? I can sell any story for $5 if I make it full of shocking details.
I claim to be a Wino, but I ain't got it either. I'll sit this one out.

Commented on post was deleted

Apr 19 at 06:28 PM

I downloaded & signed up for Bigo!
I ran & got my dildo & tried it! I'm still coughing & tears Rollin down my face. OMG! I don't wanna choke to death!