This could've been a lot of us when we were that age.
Not his private cell 🤣🤣🤣
We were a product of a toxic cycle of parenting. There a lot of us over 50 that still have unresolved childhood traumas.
Tasha looked as confused as I did after she said her husband made a 13 y/o do him.
My son lied a lot. His God Dad told me not to call him a liar, but to call him a great story teller & that one day he's going to be make a lot of money for it one day.
I think the mom is trying to cover herself. People in the ministry like this is what scares me. I don't trust many of them. She's a pastor & a life coach, but her discernment was WAY off! How can she help someone or protect the next child if she ignored all the red flags
Idk what to think! Well, yes I do, but I'm trying to be nice. I want to believe this mom so badly, but I'm struggling. To me, I heard a lot of double-talk. She left her son with a man for months while she did church work & whatever else SHE wanted to do. AFTER she was told by her eldest son what LR was doing, she stayed weeks later EVEN after she said she didn't believe LR's denial. She said she was molested too, but she didn't return home right away AND she stayed in the church for awhile. She says she doesn't have anything against LR! WHAT?

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Jan 21 at 10:27 AM

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