LAKISHA Sullivan

Enlightened and aware

Kendrick did it again. 😘


Vlad is not white he a arab no true? not american or white? idk ijs low vibrational . Thanks for the reference to cassandra fay floyd it's giving life. I got three books in rotation now sybils cosmic mother and beyond god the father omg and pure lust going hard I have the pdf on internet archives free too its so refreshing and they are white women go figure ILY Bondy 

i would have knocked her lol she should sue that was unprofessional and inappropriate but like B said she was overweight and legally they shouldn't even be operating the doctors are criminals 

This is the problem with us women we always tearing eachother down for no apparent reason . This is winogang she is a sister smh


male patriarchial bs and shaunie I am so disappointed in her. He obviously has put roots on her and needs her celebrity to create more income. There is no way a pastor leads a church women should head the church we are the church without our blood sweat and tears and prayers these td keions and larry's would never be allowed to sit u and defame us like that. they worship yahweh we align with yeshua and christ consciousness which is a lifestyle not a event

This is what princella be talking about when  a man dm you you don't link up smh Social media is not a dating app  or is it? old school over don't be no fool.Love is not found it is given be love you will receive it love will tell you everything you need to know if you first figure out what LOVE IS it's not bondage or boredom I know that. but this lady is a whore so why would she expect him to take care of the child ? sound Cray Cray like P be saying these hoes are breeding for no apparent reason allegedly knowing these men have no love for them but continue to have unprotected sex knowing there is a possibility of conception this is a women's issue why can't we just be adults.

It's sad that these people are clowning her because she is using big words. wow. I understand her better than the ebonics I be typing lol. The bigger and more complex the dat the more I can understand but when you dummy things down I get confused. 


I love her and i didn't read the book she is a channel. She is spiritual. That is why half of the chat won't ever get it. It's Christ consciousness. When you learn to stop judging people by they hair the world will be better. Yawll is doing just what she teaches. Turning on a black woman for no reason. If she full of shit how the hell you gonna get a man when they all full of shit. She better and smarter than my ex fiancee and he was 62 and my ex husband and he was a loan officer and military. girl . See knowledge is a turn off for some peope. We have an aversion to truth as well. So I will still support her and never judge because I don't want nobody to judge me by my past or current relationship. The patriarchal world is upside down. Her and B were never going to last she knew that. It was a learning lesson her whole life is a lesson and each of our stories are also lessons for one another. Why don't we get it? we are alive to learn our biology we are goddess shes no exception

PUT KIDS FIRST EVEN IF IT MEANS NOT HAVING ANY don't trap your kids in a house with a man don't bring your kids around a man always use protection stay abstinent as much as possible. don't go out at night alone. meet in public places. common sense shit that we born before 1980 already know its in our dna. but the new generation really feel like life is a video game. I didn't allow myself to have the babies that i would have had because I realized that these men were sick and I am 46 with one child. married twice once to a woman she passed recenty and another thing she didn't say is the whole homosexuality is a sin thing. Thats why she say study biology because it is hidden wisdom there in all textbooks there is hidden wisdom that is why they want to teach you in college becuse the way they disseminate it teaches you nothing but helps them make money. look up androgen and follow the rabbit hole
