Tiara Chicas

I agree! She got that virus and passing it around! The dad kept emphasizing that she was endangering people lives, I knew right then! Yup she's passing it around!!


I think he's saying it because of the love he has for his Son. She's lied on him so much that he has become numb but then to involve the Son! Oh that's a big NO! The son has gone through so much in life, the dad is being very protective.


If I'm not mistaken, I think the dad said that he tried. This was during his first interview.


This girl needs her ass beat and thrown in JAIL!!!!! She's a different type of crazy!

Did she give her Boyfriend a venereal disease? That's the only thing I can think of that would cause someone to stay in a relationship.

I just hollered!! "Lisa is top tier for Larry because he's ugly as fuck" he said it not only once but twice! LOL!!!


Jan 30 at 07:28 AM

When will Charlotte be posted?

They are both Toxic as AF!!! Something is wrong with both of them!