Tiara Chicas

You're a woman until you need that prostate checked! Women can't get prostate cancer! The prostate is still in place after bottom surgery!!

Exactly! I was like darn really! If you're gonna be a voice for the people, at least pronounce it correctly!!

This has pissed me the F'd off!! Talking about being ignorant! This is crazy and I don't care how much Testosterone you take you are still stronger!! I'm with Tasha we need to make a law about Trans beating on us!! Double standards!!!! It's based on misogyny, period! It's our fault now! Just like a damn man to say something like this!! Transwomen are the first ones to out a man! Let's talk about that!! Somebody need to tell her some facts. Women are murdered everyday due to DV what the hell is she talking about! I'm just using she/her to be respectful. Ijs!

Either she's a horrible liar or the dumbest person on earth! Age doesn't equal wisdom! She's a mistress, period!! She has the nerve to say if she was fat and busted no one would care! Lady, are you crazy! You have no respect for marriage, hence why you were only married for 4 months!! SAD!!!

Oh so she has a sugar daddy and still being a lady of the night! Lol! Boy you can't make this stuff up!

He too broke to leave! We know who wears the pants!!

Damn! So he broke broke!! He don't have money for a mistress!! Lol

LOL!! I totally agree! I strongly believe that if Tasha K hadn't said anything, Blue would've still been stiff! Lol! I critique my own child because I want her to improve and be the best. I literally had this same issue with my daughter when she became a cheerleader! I'd rather it come from me than from someone else who doesn't care about her. People are just too sensitive these days and not realistic. Blue pulled through, she just needed that little push!!!!