Well, at least women who identify with her situation can hopefully find the strength to LEAVE before its TOO LATE.  Or, worser 😳

Absolutely great interview. Has me even reconsidering my stereotypes of men. I know feminine men who've said they're straight and tried to hit on me but I just thought about the amount of emotions there would be and maybe they didn't know they were potentially gay. I couldn't get over that possibility. But this interview had me thinking about how I'm usually thought to be dominate but I can be very soft depending on the energy in the relationship. With this young man, I feel like women might be intimidated by his emotional intelligence which could balance a womans energy which makes them feel out of control. Who they going to argue with lol not him loI. He's too understanding to argue with and don't get wrong that's a healthy thing. I think he can also be dominate just listen to his music lol. He just needs to mature and gain more confidence. Phew! I've learned alot through this interview and calling this man who's been trying but because of his femine presentation I've been dodging. Ive got to investigate this now 🤣

I believe her experience of abuse, it's too detailed for me to cast doubt. Also, thinking about southern old school aunties, from what I've personally heard from my mom who's 62yrs old now, that generation was that way toward younger girls in their care. I had to tell my mom she was abused.

Well so far at 1:34:58 i think she's laid the foundation for the sex and trafficking charges, rape and a few others. I see comments like she consented or everything was good until she got mad. I will argue otherwise especially when she's told where she will go and expected to perform. And also, although she may have entered into the hoe game willingly, she was a minor and pretty much as soon as she was grown had a baby by her old head pimp. From minor to 18 yrs all of it was criminal which leads into the rest. She doesn't need to sound pitiful or cry , eventhough I hope she gets deep extensive therapy to heal, her experience meets the elements of the crimes. She's an asset because she was transferred from pimp to pimp to show enough for a criminal empire ( RICO) Bye bye pimpin 🔒🔑

Ugh ... she shouldn't have done this interview. Too emotional

She messed up her own bag.

It's questionable if Shaq wanted anything serious. I think she liked him more than he liked her. Or he just wants a sugar baby relationship. He's paying her and treating her as such. He doesn't want accountability.

She looks like Shaunie to me.


Jun 30 at 07:09 PM

Technically they were not on air though.. the mic was just hot smh 🔥 😂

He's used to getting rejected. He's insecure. That's why he got jelly. Because he already tried to beat her to the punch ( no pun intended) by rejecting her and talking about her body. So her talking to other dudes doesn't do anything to that ego unless he's embarrassed which means you got feelings. Most people who are truly unattracted would just be like' good reddens 'and have a " do you" kind of attitude. And btw he has fem mannerisms too. He think he's covering but he's not. I would think he was bisexual or atleast leaning that way.

Another reason he probably got upset is because the other guys were fem acting and she went to kick it with them and that embarrassed him. She moved on and didn't chase him. Showed how much traction she could get. Lol.

All and all he's ignorant and degrading but atleast he has a interesting way of making it a conversation and taking on other opinions. Cause Tasha was getting her jokes in.. he might not have fully realized what happened 🤣
