504 Girl

Commented on My Battle

Jan 24 at 03:05 PM

You can do this 🍊!

Commented on ???

Jan 24 at 07:45 AM

I have to turn my camera off at work while in the middle of meetings and run 🏃‍♂️.

Commented on Day 9 H2o

Jan 24 at 07:41 AM

I'm drinking more water 💧 than I ever had before. My break time is 3pm.

Jan 24 at 06:12 AM

Good morning!


Jan 23 at 09:31 AM

I haven't gotten the physical feeling some of you guys are having but definitely spiritual I'm feeling better and more clarity. It's amazing what you can hear when you turn the noise down. #thirdeyeopen



Jan 20 at 04:13 PM

Everything happens for a reason. I started the detox but I found out yesterday from lab work I have protein in my urine. Can't see the doctor until Friday. I'm so stuck in my head I can't focus on my detox. Having been eating or drinking water since yesterday. Need a little motivation 😪



Jan 18 at 10:30 PM

Nothing fancy....Sweet potato, spinach, squash and kale, cabbage and tomatoes 🍅 salad

Commented on Check in

Jan 18 at 09:04 PM

Thanks 🍑