
KB❤️❤️ it’s close to Halloween so the thought of dressing up was put out there

Jun 30 at 12:36 PM

Girl, vacation over!! We need our Tasha. You can go back or sabbatical in 3 weeks


Commented on Who is the guest host?

Jun 16 at 03:26 PM

#6 none of the above


Jun 07 at 09:38 PM

I went and saw that too. We gone let him live tho


Tasha, I need you to research the whole topic when you bring it up. Melody only made her live because somebody else exposed the plot as to which she could confirm because of his threat a while ago. I believe she referenced you in that live as well when you put her up on game before the Arione interview. But she said she knew he was recording when they were intimate.

May 12 at 11:15 AM

Tell Tasha she needs to allow the lord to work. She might be blocking her own blessings and ours because God putting on many of our hearts to step in for our sister. You help out family in their time of need. Imma leave it alone because she’s asked but I definitely feel that way. Because if all us do it $5-10 that’s not spending hard own money. That’s 1 meal at Chick-fil-A. Hell you see we spend our $12 a month we fux witcha. It won’t hurt. But I understand you tryna teach her a lesson but we just wanna move forward and be done with it once and for all. Because we are definitely going thru it with you. We stay cursing folks out in the blogs. You are not alone. It affects all us. We’re a family.


Replied on Cinco cancelled

Apr 27 at 05:15 PM


Commented on Cinco cancelled

Apr 27 at 04:55 PM

I guess we'll do it early because she think she's slick
This!! Never ever again will I help build a man. End up with nothing because the whole time, you see potential that he wishes to not tap into himself.