Connie Mac

When TK CAME ON THAT SCREEN!!!!! I died!!!!!!!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣
We tend farm cook clean kill our dinner and ride D just as hard in Mexico...wecwirk hard here too
Thank u for the commitment to giving us content....even in another country...loving seeing TK not be hindered.
IT'S THE LORD'S GIFT!!!...ALOT OF OF HAVE GIFT!!!!!! But no one believes in the GIFT.... but when you prophesied to those you love and it comes true it's a coincidence f*** coincidences

Aug 10 at 07:37 PM

Tasha you're the talent....AT THE end of the day we come here and pay for the truth...that's why we watch as fans...even if we don't like it you still give it to us!!! PUT OUT THE RAW UNCUT UNEDITED FOOTAGE!!!!