Connie Mac

Her PH balance is CUM. NASTY!!!!


Will the pod be post here I wanna hear it as an OG

So you have men that want you to change because they see your true potential and only want the best for you with or without them. Then you have men that want you to change everything about yourself to better them via you. And loving the wrong kind of men can cause one to think that you are changing for love l. When in reality this man wants you to change to fit his idea of who you are.


Jun 09 at 06:30 PM

If you don't change your shapes you can get a ring worm

Tasha can u please talk to us about this, and how you felt during this interview?


This what happens when the pills hit!!!! My ga honey them pills hit right in the middle of the interview. When she grows up and sees this she will be so embarrassed of this.
