
Jan 21 at 08:07 PM

Thanks, I was very good

Commented on Day 6 - 16 Hour Fast

Jan 21 at 12:56 PM

I still haven’t completed my workout, I had to run errands and still waiting for my time- 1 hour to go- stalking the clock is exactly what I’m doing🤣🤣

Commented on My Olive Leaf

Jan 21 at 12:54 PM

Yes I purchased mine thru PayPal

Jan 21 at 12:54 PM

Hey Tasha👋🏽I have 1 more hour and 8 mins before breaking mine! Staying busy is definitely key!

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 21 at 08:54 AM

I ordered mine Thursday, patiently waiting in its arrival. Been faced with high BP as well and don’t want to depend on pharmaceuticals
Wow thanks Jada I had no idea about this app! I was using the planner on paper each day🤭

Jan 21 at 08:13 AM

Mrs Everthing- I think I love you!!!🤗 your food ideas be having me excited! Looks amazing and I know it tastes amazing!

Commented on Light Fruit Salad

Jan 21 at 08:12 AM

Thanks for this fruit salad- making this later for my break- fast meal I have all the ingredients in the fridge!

Commented on Day 5 Breakfast (fuel)

Jan 20 at 11:32 AM

Delicious 😋 I’ve yet to cook my oatmeal since this detox- saving that meal for Sat morning to break the fast🥰

Jan 20 at 11:25 AM

Ok then!!!