
Jan 18 at 10:56 AM

I had a smoothie that wasn’t t enjoyable (greens, strawberries &water -didn’t use banana because I already had some earlier) and I wondered about using dates , but I didn’t use them because of the high sugar - I was praying I could use them though 🤣🤣

Jan 18 at 10:53 AM

Thanks Tasha!

Commented on Day 3 yay!!!

Jan 18 at 10:53 AM


Commented on Detox day 2

Jan 18 at 09:58 AM

Looks amazing! I bet is tasted great too- looking for that recipe!

Jan 18 at 09:57 AM

What a great idea!!

Commented on 2.8lbs in 2 days

Jan 18 at 07:37 AM

That’s great! I didn’t want to be stalking the scale either but I had to get on this morning and I’m surprised by the results!
All I can say is wow! Great interview Tasha!

Commented on This too shall pass

Jan 17 at 03:29 PM


Commented on Under the weather

Jan 17 at 01:23 PM

I pray you feel better soon. Make sure to get enough zinc and vitamin c. Also, echinacea and garlic helps

Jan 17 at 01:10 PM

Great Idea!!!