Andrea-Nicole Johnson

Lanaye Peeples

I'm flying out from Ohio and have tier 1 tickets it's 3 of us we have room for one more at the table if your friends don't come



Jun 11 at 04:01 AM

See You There 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷

What him going to University have to do with this man being offended by his actions. You truly can tell that he really was offended to his core.
Meant to say in his cat daddy tone sounds stupid
It was hard enough for me to swallow this woman period and her incapability to have intelligence. I reall am lost for words after I listen to the audio receipt playing Point Blank sample this b**** thought she had a lick and the lick licked her upside her dumbass head. Any woman with any kind of game or self-respect about herself never would have f***k with a Rocky Bivins to start with because he is King of the b***h clowns and it shows from the time he opened his mouth from his Cadence to his incapability to be able to form an actual sentence in the overall BS that is one of the Cat Daddy sound of stupid as hell illiterate himself. Is this b**** dumb or is she just stupid and I said what I said have no sympathy no soft space in my heart for badly dressed old thot that had not the common sense God blessed a roach with

Aug 10 at 02:24 PM

Did this nigga just compare himself to Martin Luther King fuck out of here I'm weak😂😂😂😪😂 and Tasha you the sugar honey iced tea baby cuz you did not crack up and hysterical laughter