Danie sheree

Jan 24 at 07:39 AM

See I wouldn't do well being questioned like that.  That is why the only people around me have to be detoxing or vegans  (for these 14 days).  I would have said I was wondering what ya'll were doing over there killing yourself while I am trying to save myself. And would have given them a good shady stare at their low vibrational plate....lol...Horrible..😂

Replied on Day 9 H2o

Jan 24 at 07:34 AM

Peaches Royale you got this!!! Using a straw can help.  Also I know its cold but ice helps me.  Lemon and lime (squeezed fresh).🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

Jan 24 at 07:20 AM

Good morning!


Jan 24 at 07:19 AM

I don’t even get out of the bed until i have drank at least 12 oz of H2o💧💧💧. It’s day 9 we are all in on a 18/6. It’s so important to stay hydrated during your fasting time. I get to break my fast at 4 pm. When do you break yours? We have made it more than half way. We are awesome! 💚🌱💚🌱💚🌱💚


Jan 23 at 10:09 PM

We need a @tasha k live check in. With all that you just said… guess what!!! You still did it! And if a pissy ass attitude is what you have than so be it. Don’t feel anxious or depressed. Breathe… breathe deep in your diaphragm. No need for depression when your winning! And i don’t know (i am no doctor) but i wonder if you are have mental detox today??? Like maybe today was the day your mind is realizing it ain’t gonna get no damn meat or bread!!! But guess what you win the day!!! You defeated all of your challenges… So sleep well knowing you WON 🏆! I am so proud of you! Get ready Day 9 is here. We are not more than half way there!💚🌱💚🌱💚

Jan 23 at 08:49 PM

Girl i am going to meditate… i feel like my mind still needs to get right to do it consciously…

Commented on I need help guys

Jan 23 at 08:47 PM

Well where is all the food between Noon and 6pm?  You aren't eating enough during your eating hours.  EAT!

Jan 23 at 06:55 PM

This video was so good. I am sharing it with everybody…. here in the south we have a lot of holy rollers that will quickly put a piece of fried chicken in their mouth on a Sunday or any day. This is something they need to see. For me it makes me feel safe seeing this combined with the fact that i haven’t passed out yet from not eating meat! 💚🌱💚🌱💚

Jan 23 at 06:48 PM

This looks delicious

Jan 23 at 06:48 PM