Danie sheree

Commented on OFF THE SADDLE :(

Jan 19 at 12:34 PM

Why are starting over on Monday? It was just a hiccup. Start at this moment and keep going.


Jan 19 at 11:12 AM

If you are adding cinnamon to your detox the one out of Walmart won’t do the trick. Get some Ceylon Cinnamon. Its about 20$ on Amazon but it last you all year. Add a little to your smoothies or your sweet potatoes. Happy detoxing💚🌱💚🌱💚


Jan 19 at 10:19 AM

I love water! 💧💧💧When i was a teenager i was addicted to sodas. And it had me looking horrible. Bad acne dark around my neck. When my mom made me stop drinking them. I had a complete eczema like outbreak. On my arms. I never drank sodas like that since. Now i will have two oz of a soda and that’s all i can tolerate. I still enjoy it when i drink that two oz maybe twice a year but my tastebuds doesn’t even like that level of sweetness and carbonation.


Jan 19 at 08:25 AM

Good morning my fellow detoxers 💚🌱💚🌱. Don’t forget to start your morning off right with at least 12oz of H2o 💦💧💦💧. We are officially in Day 4. We are doing this thing. So proud of us💚


Commented on Lunchtime

Jan 18 at 10:19 PM

Girl i thought that was a steak… lol…

Commented on From my last post

Jan 18 at 10:17 PM

I am taking the same


Jan 18 at 10:16 PM

Here is one of my friends eating dinner i made. But why he send me this picture with the Tabasco sauce… At least he is trying.🌱💚🌱💚



Jan 18 at 03:44 PM

It’s not pretty but it’s getting the job done. The sweet potato has cinnamon (the good kind not out of the store), ginger, and fresh grated nutmeg. This combination with the kale and wild rice makes a great sweet and savory.


Jan 18 at 03:40 PM

That looks wonderful! I am so proud to be a part of our little community💚


Jan 18 at 10:09 AM

Good morning!!! It’s time for the morning H2o💦💦💦. Have you had your H2o. Don’t judge my hospital cup ya’ll… i swear it’s one of the best things to get in the water for the day…💚🌱💚🌱💚