Danie sheree

Commented on Cannabis withdrawal

Jan 20 at 09:53 AM

I have horrible insomnia but detoxing and movement has finally made my body fall asleep. However… it does take time to wind down because i have energy.

Commented on Day 5!

Jan 20 at 09:50 AM

Girl i am a vegan now!!! Who would have ever thunk it!!! That damn Tasha turned a whole group of people into vegans on the slick💚🌱💚🌱💚

Commented on Half a gallon a day

Jan 20 at 09:49 AM

Love this


Jan 20 at 09:48 AM

Have you had your morning H2o💦💧💦💧💦. It’s day 5 and i am so proud of us. Let’s gooo!!!💚🌱💚🌱💚


Commented on Detox Clarification

Jan 19 at 07:01 PM

I think it’s no meat the entire detox


Jan 19 at 04:29 PM

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Is seasoned the lentils a second time with garlic, onion and garlic powder, crushed red pepper, and turmeric. Enjoy!


Jan 19 at 04:10 PM

Oh and the lentils also have collard greens in them


Jan 19 at 04:09 PM

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Jan 19 at 04:06 PM

Sometimes you just have to be obedient. Tasha said post some recipes so that’s what I am doing. I made a full video of the pics above. Disregard my trash bag. I am a neat freak in the kitchen so i literally have to have a disposable trash bag next to me every step of the kitchen. I am showing me cleaning and preparing lentils and sautéing fresh vegetables. The veggies i cook at a high temp super quick which sears them and gives them a meat like taste. Think of eating a grilled steak… cooking them fast will keep them from losing the crunch (fiber).

The lentils are cooking with red/purple onion and red bell peppers with garlic. I will update with the finished product. 💚🌱💚🌱

Replied on Day 4 Detox - Snack

Jan 19 at 03:49 PM
