Juanita Cummings

Jan 26 at 01:49 PM

I’m gonna try to find that clip when they were doing their press runs and Regina Hall was LITERALLY all over Kevin kissing him and promoting his peen! It most DEFINITELY wasn’t in a playful manner. Fr fr. Many people never saw it because it was on a very small platform that no one watches. Hopefully it hasn’t been deleted.


Jan 26 at 01:43 PM

He’s corny af now and caters to a white audience! His earlier specials were the funniest because of his ex wife helping him write them! The last few specials of his were HORRIBLE! I’m surprised the tour was sold out! Then again not so much so because he’s become white washed imo.

Jan 26 at 01:37 PM

He sure did! He wants to paint a picture of himself that’s flawless when NO ONE is perfect!!! 80% of married couples cheat. That’s a huuuggee percentage! I was done with him after he pulled a Tiger Woods move and held an entire press conference apologizing for cheating! As if we need something like that in our actual news cycle! Smh 🤦🏽‍♀️.

Jan 26 at 01:29 PM



Jan 26 at 01:29 PM


Jan 26 at 01:24 PM

Me too!

Jan 26 at 01:23 PM

He’s a clown🤡 and a straight up “Mitch” as he likes to call men who are bitches! I believe that him and Regina Hall were f’n around together! I saw a clip of the male cast that Regina Hall was in while they were doing press runs and she was literally ALL OVER KEVIN! Not in a joking manner either. She was all on his lap kissing on him and promoting his peen. The other men on the panel were clearly uncomfortable. This took place while they were promoting Think Like A Man. It was honestly shameful. K Hart is sleeping with multiple women outside of his current wife. I completely believe that his ex wife was TOTALLY helping him write his jokes. He hasn’t been funny to me personally ever since he’s been divorced from his first wife. The first two specials were funny af! Not at this point tho. 🤷🏽‍♀️


🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That’s extremely gross to have your home that nasty! 🤮 And then have the audacity to invite a man into that filth is absurd! There’s a lot of females who don’t clean their homes, but will leave the house dressed to the 9’s! Smh.


Me too! She’s got a million celebrity stories and I want all the 🍷to be spilled!

My sentiments exactly! They really gave her a bad rap on Love and Hip Hop, but she knows how to play the game and she did 🤷🏽‍♀️.