
This girl is confused and stupid you knew he was married but thought being special ๐Ÿ™„. He betrayed his wife what do you expect ?Noticed how excited she was at the beginning when tasha asked if he puts his hands on her. She was smiling and happy believing he cares because he was really upset, going on her face. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ she is desilusional!!!!
Black woman the glue on the forehead with the wig and fake eyes lashes isnโ€™t it ....
Tasha in Africa we didn't have the fucking bible for and we didn't have fucking Buddha either.... I don't care about Islam either these religions aren't Africans.
People say "give us something" like what??? She is just woman who plays chess. She still need to work on everything isn't Dani fault but don't go around arguing with woman over a man as soon as Mรชme master this art. She will be fine, she shows self control....
Transgender is definitely a mental illness, if I wake up saying I'm a lion and always feel like a lion should I transitions?? The whole lgbtq is a mental illness in my opinion.
Never mess with veterinarian you may see them on a video fucking on animals.
You can be HIV AIDS resistant without that. There is more than 1% of population who is himune the virus mutate and our body followed up. The scientists who discovered HIV and AIDS without medications, the truth is these medications killed the patient before HIV, AIDS.