
I'm tired of prostitute trying to try reading between the line. Keep killing babies ans shut up, your parents are most likely brother and sister what do you know about basic life principles incestuous bitch.
I am talking about abortion in general and how isn't link to any religious beliefs hoodrat. If you can't comprehend basics sentence in English which isn't my first language. Stop overly drinking and change your diet, no wonder everyone in America is mentally disable.
I don't understand how any woman can go abort and kill babies.... but hey to each his own like yall don't know contraception or not having sex? I can understand if your health is affected or you've been rape. I don't believe in religion at all!!! I am african and believe in african spirituality. Still a murder for us.


Feb 16 at 07:13 PM

Hey I wonder if anyone know why my app isn't working with fire stick🥲

You want to loose your stomach go keto you will understand that if your mom boyfriend ate his chicken without the fries he would loose weight.
Tasha your story and this doctor story would make sense if keto diet didn't save people and their health. All these vegan stories make your skin saggy and youre not more healthy 🙄
Sorry for what happened to her it's sad very sad situation. Who is the rapper ? I like this format tasha
Tasha you don't understand, loreal wouldn't sold their line to a black person for 200 billion. Her children could have take over that's how white people keep their company. Black people don't see the long term vision, she could have done it herself.