Amber Arrington

Lewisville, TX, United States

Walk with me on this journey. My hypothesis is that she could have Dissociative Identity Disorder, formerly known as multiple personalities. In a D.I.D. system, certain alters or identities hold certain memories. This would explain why her story seemed disjointed at times and lacked cohesion.
I didn't understand that statement AT ALL.
Slim set this up didn't he? Tasha looked as confused as I am. 🤣
I'm 2:30 minutes in and confused AF 🤣
Now Tasha. This is giving Embrace Pangea. 🤣
I'm getting the same message. Have closed and reopened the app several times.

Commented on Tocha

Apr 10 at 09:16 AM

At this point, she's embarrassing herself.
This girl is slow. She's basically saying because she was with her baby father for some years, she leaves the door open for him. Doesn't blame him, only the randoms he smashes, for his constant cheating. Talking about letting the Lord order her steps. The Lord ain't nowhere in this ungodly mess.