Amber Arrington

Lewisville, TX, United States

That former officer looks like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. Men will literally do anything. 🤢
F Chris. I will never forget how he acted about Karreuche. And literally anything that's happened since. He acts like a complete psycho. Haven't like him since he started showing his real personality. Nothing to do with Rihanna. He's not likeable. Some of us are sick of these artists showing their shitty personalities and then expecting us to buy their their stuff and support them. GOH.
The comedian came out on that Tokyo part. I can't breathe, I'm laughing so hard. 🤣 Tasha!
Sell hope and entertainment 🤣 Tasha, you did that. #StraightRead
Tasha, do you realize that your show will also be International Women's Day? So much alignment and beauty in it also being your birthday. Much love!
Did we watch the same clip? She wasn't saying you have no control because of genetics. She was saying genetics play a role in obesity. That's always been known. This lady isn't saying anything new.
Everybody has their own dynamic. In this situation, they said they don't want another man.
These people are not good representations of the poly community. Tasha, we can do better.