Amber Arrington

Lewisville, TX, United States

Jaguar sounds like a crackhead. Did I miss something? Is she an addict? This is how paranoid addicts speak.
I'm rooting for him. This dude has so much potential and personality. He's truly relatable.
Texas de Brazil is way better
That whole incident sounds drug-fueled.
Tasha was right. These bitter women in here throwing apples 🤣
This interview is so fascinating. Interesting, entertaining, and enlightening.
Gone head Mr. Kebe! Lookinh sharp as a tack! Ayyyyeeee!
A lot of black people need therapy. There's certain things in disagreements that should be off limits. Many of us have had behaviors engrained in us that need to be unlearned.
Anybody thinking Kanye being de-platformed is his strategic plan is delusional. Kanye didn't plan any of this. He's been having a manic episode for a while now. We're watching a mental health crisis in real time. Not a master plan.