Amber Arrington

Lewisville, TX, United States

Now Tasha. This is giving Embrace Pangea. 🤣
I'm getting the same message. Have closed and reopened the app several times.

Commented on Tocha

Apr 10 at 09:16 AM

At this point, she's embarrassing herself.
This girl is slow. She's basically saying because she was with her baby father for some years, she leaves the door open for him. Doesn't blame him, only the randoms he smashes, for his constant cheating. Talking about letting the Lord order her steps. The Lord ain't nowhere in this ungodly mess.

Commented on A quick question

Mar 31 at 08:59 PM

She needs to have a ghost wrote wrote the book for her. Then she can do a press tour. Agree that Tasha's audience could be a key audience for her.

Commented on Here u go winos

Mar 31 at 08:51 PM

Why does the live say it's happening tomorrow?

Mar 28 at 11:39 PM

I second this. This seems to be out of nowhere.

Commented on Tasha K!!!!

Mar 23 at 10:01 PM

I second that motion. I got 5 on it.
Omg. When Tasha was talking about her beauty supply store friend, all I could think about was Shang-chi and the 10 Rings. 🤣