
Nov 08 at 08:56 PM

I have nun to say cuz chile😤


chile you know the interview is transparent as hell when the interviewee goes back to the question that wasn't it🍷❤️

that period trick does work I figured it out as well as i noticed on my heavy days it all comes out first thing in the morning after laying down all night. we should be sitting up during that time not laying down

pls don't fly this woman out for an interview, we heard all we need to know. it just sounds like she tryna get a free flight to fight shay

gonna turn her up😭😭😭😭with 2 children under 10😭😭😭😭girl if you don't love you and grow up

no lie....I been over these dudes saying "they don't like dark skinned chicks" bc most of them I wouldn't touch with Cardi B stripper days p**** They actually doing is a favor, but I appreciate the love 💙💙💙💙


always thought ari was a lil less than average wit her big head😭😭😭

a bih had to cook for these grown ass kids😩😩😩caught the youtube live tho💙💙💙💙💙

I hate that Halo girl 🙄