Sipping Fiji instead of wine

Jun 12 at 06:01 AM

I wish the City Winery was all of your East coast Venues, it’s so much better than Helium (not for parking purposes) but for lighting, seating restroom drinks and sound it is definitely a better venue. Hopefully you get to enjoy Redding Terminal (The largest market in Philly from 8am-6pm also containing Amish and fresh cold pressed juices and other nice things) or you may like Philly Krave (seafood chicken and lamb) usually with a saxophone player or So Bad Philly Muslim Woman owned Halal Fish Chicken and Vegan.

Not everyone’s resiliency or responses to trauma is going to look the same. I’ve met far too many little girls like her in residential treatment facilities. They over share even when it’s not relevant, anger is typically an emotion that they can get to faster than any others with maladaptive ways to express it and they also tend to engage in at risk behaviors. Her generation doesn’t utilize the right supports. They tend to get on social media to emote or to tell on themselves. She tried and it’s challenging she did what made sense. No family members sound like they’re stable do kindhip care didn’t seem like a realistic option. Friends can’t always take on someone’s kids out of the blue and just because they step up doesn’t mean they’ll be a safe placement.

She’s been violated way too much. Those children were at a high risk of getting hurt.


And this is the truth


Marilynn A Jones I absolutely appreciate it and will be mindful when traveling about this recall. I’m sure it may not be pulled in other countries where it was sold just yet so I won’t be drinking it.

Marilynn A Jones thank you for this heads up! I’ve been drinking smart because they sell it at my job or keeping the big gallons of wegmans spring water. On my desk. I do enjoy the taste but I haven’t had them in a while because I just have found that ordering the gallons of spring water work better for me this year.

Thanks for doing this interview TK

May 31 at 08:26 PM

Congratulations baby girl 👸🏽🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

This is nature boy with clothing on and a vagina…pin this comment and come back to it when that comes to the surface. 🤷🏽‍♀️

Gullible Black women please run 🤦🏾‍♀️

Narccist are coddled or traumatized in personality disorders. In her case she was traumatized into it by the men she unfortunately selected as partners. She’s now become everything that hurt her and seeks to do what was done to her.

Black women run

Shifting from Black males who feel entitled to hurt and exploit you to mentally unstable Black women pretending to be men (in bad wigs) who also feel entitled to exploit and hurt you is NOT THE WAY!

Orlando was more than likely smoking meth or cocaine or a combination of both. When men smoke both it tends to make them paranoid and horny.

When he started talking about male funk is where he lost Tasha K 🫣😂🤣😂😭😭😭


This was good. I hope he will do the next installments with you.
