Sipping Fiji instead of wine

Feb 21 at 01:46 PM

What could a jury of his peers possibly look and sound like 😩😖


Her blazer is misleading! 😂🤣😂🤣

Feb 16 at 03:35 AM

I’ve seen video 3 and now I’m thinking these two need to get off the internet and try therapy again.

Feb 16 at 02:42 AM

I missed this. When did Mo throw shade? I don’t pay that much attention to Mo. one thing I agree with Tasha on was that I’ve never really found her funny on stage as a comedian and I also thought her role in Precious was too convincing. That Charm school show was a turn off too.

Feb 15 at 04:06 PM

I agree. This might be decent!

Workitout There’s a such thing as being able to critically think about what’s going on, and what’s being said and not always agreeing with Tasha Ks view points that isn’t synonymous with “talking smack”. I pay my money to watch Tasha K to be entertained and to agree and disagree and you obviously pay your money to ride 🍆🐱, to be a super fan that has enough time to read peoples comments and to respond to them because they don’t agree with your savior. Sounds troubling. There’s help for that. 😂😂😂


Chef Rosie Please point to me where I said that it wasn’t an open form and that she wasn’t entitled to her opinion on her own platform 😂🤣😂😮‍💨☝🏾.


Monique and her “daddy” needs to keep that man’s name out of their interviews…

He sounds like someone utilizing therapy and English classes appropriately!!!

He definitely read his mother into accountability.


Tasha! You have your son all the way in West Africa being raised by someone else! 😂😂😂 You are chasing fame yourself.

Monique admitted that she was a terrible mother to her first child and that she also didn’t do well with his father and had a very hostile relationship with him.

She said originally that her sons story is valid even if she doubles down and allows her husband to try to make it look sweeter than what it was.

The son is valid in being tired of that woman and her awkward husband mentioning his story without him being able to tell his side. He’s said his mother provided but she wasn’t present or emotionally available and he is in therapy for it.

She may never be there for him and that husband may always be in the way of her and her adult son developing anything healthy. We see this playing out a lot in the Black community.

I truly think Monique triggers something in you about yourself and you’re about to turn her into your new Cardi to hyper fixate on.

Feb 14 at 08:45 AM

Who in there?! 😂🤣🤣😂😂