Kimmies World

Chantel according to those documents was never touched until the medical examination in 2003! Wow. Go to my channel and look at these documents. Read this document in its entirety not read between the lines. Smh

Those same documents the detective pulled up older cases about the uncle and the documents were proven “UNFOUNDED”. Smh

Why aren’t we sticking to only what the documents states instead of interjecting stories that are not in the documents. I stuck to the documents and receipts. I went through the 56 page document in its entirety.

According to the documents when the ex mom alleged Clarence said Chantel had an Odor she was between 7-8 years old. This document MUST be broken down in its entirety not just a page here and there. The definition of exceptionally cleared must be discussed because the definition sound like it’s a good thing. It’s not.

The claims against the uncle were “unfounded” per the 56 page document.

I showed those documents and showed them where the viewer could see. There was no sexual abuse per documentation and medical examination prior to 9/2022. Everything was “Unfounded”.

Exceptionally Cleared is not a good thing. It also means the case can in fact be reopened. Please find the definition per the FBI what exceptionally cleared means. It does not mean you did a good job. The prior cases regarding sexual abuse were “Unfounded” not exceptionally cleared. Clarence has again LIED! Chantel has NEVER done an interview on my channel. Please go check any of my channels.

The guy that did the polygraph actually emailed me about the same guy but he used him as an example. He did say he could not share personal information about Chantel due to legal reasons. I provided those documents on a video.

naya great point!!! Wow. I’m saddened by all of this. It breaks my heart. I hate when children re abused. They are so innocent.


naya I believe Clarence did not get charged because Chantel had Genital Warts and Clarence had Herpes. They could not pinpoint he slept with his daughter due to that. It’s sad but the truth.
