Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States

Commented on Fresh Cut Mango

Jan 20 at 11:45 PM

Looks fresh and yummy

Jan 20 at 11:45 PM

You are what you eat. Diet is life. We have the ability to cure and heal ourselves with food, mediation and exercise. Thank you for sharing. You’ve got this. We are in this together. 🙏🏽♥️

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Jan 20 at 11:43 PM

I ordered mine today. That’s great news. May God continue to bless your mom with good health. What a blessing Tasha is putting us on to the olive leaf. Wow. What a testimony. 🙏🏻♥️♥️

Commented on Last night's dinner

Jan 20 at 11:42 PM

That looks like a nice filling meal. I love the use of lentils. Good protein

Commented on Lunch

Jan 20 at 11:41 PM

Looks good 😊

Commented on post was deleted

Jan 20 at 11:39 PM

I have the chills too and Have insomnia. I just made some black coffee To smell it not drink. I need sleep. Tea has more caffeine than coffee

Jan 20 at 11:37 PM

It looks good. I like that. I’ll do that and squeeze lime on it. That’s how I normally eat

Jan 20 at 11:36 PM

I wish I did. I love TJ’s. There isn’t one where I am but there is an Aldi. Trader Joe’s has the 2 buck chuck ($2 wine lol)

Jan 20 at 11:35 PM

Don’t worry. Keep detoxing. Don’t let the labs cloud your mind. Let your body remove the waste. You’ve got this

Jan 20 at 11:33 PM

Shrimp are gross anyways. You are better off without them. That looks fresh healthy and alive.