Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States


Jul 16 at 11:02 PM

Tasha. I grew up in Boston and consider myself a Bostonian. If you want amazing seafood these are 2 places I would go to often. Neptune Oyster, in the North End. Get a triton platter. My friend, a millionaire, was a co owner. The owners name is Jeff. if he’s there say you know Jim Gass, Esq. also go to Turners in salem. That’s where i grew up. Turners has amazing seafood. see Donnie and sit at the oyster bar. tell him erica said hello and show him this picture if he’s there. turners is where alexander graham bell made the first telephone call so it’s historic as well. have fun in my city. I love you Tasha. keep shining bright like a diamond. ♥️♥️♥️



Feb 09 at 08:39 PM

Hello Wino Gang,

Please. Let’s all get together to give Tasha the flowers she deserves. Let’s get her a big beautiful bouquet to fill the room. This is a Bonus for anyone whose not able to attend. Let the flowers do the talking. Tasha deserves her flowers, let’s make this event and birthday extravaganza phenomenal. We can all contribute with a contribution cut off date then coordinate the delivery and ask someone in her camp to ensure the flowers get placed at the venue. We can also send a card sending her love and posi wine vibes. Any thoughts or suggestions. Let’s get things moving winos. Again, I love this community so much. I look forward to its growth and eventually meeting all of you. I feel like you are all my family, my sisters and bros too if any are in here. anyways. I love you all. Stay blessed. See you all tomorrow for Phuckery Friday 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷



Jan 20 at 11:57 PM

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you all how appreciative I am for all of the love and support here in this platform. I see the value in creating a space outside of other platforms. Here we are unified and helping each other. I’m in tears typing this. The detox has me extra sensitive right now. Anyways. I love you all and I look forward to finishing the detox with you all and entering 2023 fresh and new. Blessings to you all. I love you 💕



Jan 20 at 02:58 AM

I can’t sleep. I have insomnia. I smoke an ounce a week. I have a medical card. I am a cannabis medical patient. This is basically a prescription from the doctor. Tasha said we must take all prescribed Medication! Cannabis is prescribed to me. Without it I don’t have an Appetite. I was 156 at the start now I’m 147 and it’s only day 5. I feel that I am the exception to the rule and I should be allowed to smoke. No edibles just smoke.



Jan 18 at 08:09 PM

I thought we were all checking in at 8pm for detox mindset with Tasha?



Jan 17 at 01:17 PM

Cherry, strawberry and blueberry smoothie with water.