Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States

i also liked storm until he was bad mouthing tasha and chiek. he could have been cute and kept it on mute. i do need to check out that savage interview though. but he came for tasha first so all bets are off and anyone can catch a verbal fade. unfortunately for him tasha does it best
yes that heavy box jaw. thank goodness angela white is dissolving her fillers. she filled in her jaw to be boxy like that. she was definitely looking transgender and hard in the face also
to think that the mama was also messaging R kelly pretending to be the daughter. it’s as if she was acting out her sexual fantasy through her daughter. they pimped azriel out. that’s child abuse and sex trafficking period. well said my friend.
i still watch armon because i like when he does hip hop commentary and covers the “rap girls”. i enjoy his commentary. i don’t watch storm anymore. i used to watch him. he’s now giving lame, dusty, tired and boring. i also watch sean davie way. i like him. tasha is my favorite hands down and i will defend her at all costs out on the youtube streets
i didn’t even know tasha had storm as a mentor. tasha did a whole build a bear workshop and built him up. he tore himself down. tasha wants people to win. kebe studios is real. we see it. now lovely ti is building an app like tasha. tasha is the blueprint
what booty. you mean smack the basketballs.
i was thinking the same thing. but you know us winos know how to read beyond the typos 🍷🍷🍷🍷