Erica anderson

Midland City, AL, United States

The ops are in here for real. We are the wino gang. We know you’re a pedo supporter. Let him tell HIS truth snd HIS story. Have a great day and good bye! ✌🏼
He did it. He’s been down. Now he’s trying to cover up and send his ops here in the messages. Messy. Larry needs to own this and move on. Larry needs to get real help
Oh you must be a Larry Reid supporter. Nothing you say here can change the truth. 🤣. Bye Larry Reid is guilty guilty guilty. This man has nothing to gain by doing this. Too late. Cats out of the bag 💼 period
He’s telling the truth. I can feel it. I am so thankful this man has come forward. This will help others to heal. I like how he said he’s done the work.
Same here. This man is telling the truth. I heard Larry Reid talking to Armon Wiggins the other day about this and Larry sounds scared. Claiming he’s going to sue Tasha etc
Thank you. I give all of the glory to God. I am here by God’s grace. 🙏🏽
Keep your pineal gland decalcified. Fluoride is a mineral that calcifies it. Avoid use fluoride! Avoid heavy metals and toxins in your body. I also used manifestion to beat my drug case. I used visualization. I follow Abraham hicks and Neville Goddard teachings in using imagination to alter reality. I love this segment. ♥️
Ayahuasca is known as the spirit of the vine. It is in plants in the Amazon. 2 plants and they must be mixed together to make the DMT. It changed my life and my perception of myself. During abuse I didn’t feel worthy or beautiful. After I feel beautiful and I know I have worth and value.