Julia jurice Bookman

Yes please don’t bring her back Tasha she give bad energy I rather wait to you return 

Dam Tasha slim is fine honey  nice 

Tasha in name of Jesus this is wild this was like a movie that keep on giving 


That’s what I said I’m scare over here and she one with receipts Lord protect her in name of Jesus it’s some powerful ppl helping him this is wild 

Commented on Reversal | Movie

Jun 04 at 06:19 PM

Wow amazing 

Judah Slayawho’s mad I’m not How can anyone get mad about human error I am a boss I have 15 employees they make mistakes I do too I tell them same thing this shit be crazy at point when business lose money everyone lose not just owner customers employees all  my people that work for me understand we have goal as whole and if one of us fall off we make our voice heard no one tale it personal it’s business and life that’s all I give away more food money my heart even my home to everyone that’s in need cause I know what it feel like to have it all and lose it get it back lose again get it back so you felt this way God bless you Tasha and this website  I don’t take joy in others down falls I offer options hope someone care enough about me and my business and family to see something say something cause I don’t want to fail anymore in this thing we call life God is so God you just have to live life pray for everyone we are hurting as whole again sorry u felt hurt God bless everyone again we all need 

My point my business going through this now I just won my property back Got year & half left on lease and he helping me now learn how get my money back I lost and how to make best of the remaining contract I think him and Taska but First God this was awesome 

Tasha my business is going through same thing. I won my case now I looking for lawyer will take civil case in lost it’s million plus law sue. I had close my business all police illegally shut me down judge told them they broke law she told me get lawyer cause my right was taking lost in revenue etc she award me back property but I lost almost million in revenue thus far no lie I live in Prairie View Tx the property across street from PVAMU I am Marketrita aka mama aka Miss Julia Aka Miss Bookman it’s  about 20,000 students attend the university. I been in business and working in area since 2012 when my restaurant was located in Hempstead Tx we was hump day Wednesday 1,000 to 2,000 showed up every Wednesday the field that was illegally taking that judge just awarded me by just had party of about 5,000. Can u please email me Tasha Juliafreema57@gmail.com or text me 2546444860 Ps I love you& how you educate us I wouldn’t have known how to fight this case if it wasn’t for you teach me 

For part frfrfrfr this shit crazy at this point it’s like they don’t care anymore I don’t know All we can do is  Pray they get it together because it throws off the entire concept & any jokes crazy ass Tasha going to give lol. I pray for success for everyone hope they find it in there hearts to do there job better for Tasha & us have blessed day everyone. 

18 years -2 get fuck out of here he lose what lol