
Where you get that from?
Thank you for letting us know!
The celebrity she’s alleging Rocky told her, Latocha cheated with… HAS to be the singer “Joe” (three initials… that’s also who Toscha just mentioned she was working with back in the day, around when she and Rocky first got together) although I honestly think Rocky made it up completely… I think that’s the celebrity he told Unykue about
Yeah by the end, I didn’t look at her so badly anymore…
I’ll give her this much, she’s better slightly better than Arionne lol at least she’s not making excuses for him and blaming Tocha
She’s telling the truth about that story about them (Rocky &Tocha) having an argument, then him telling Tocha he was going to get her pregnant to make her mad at him forever, or something about him planning to have her have his baby so she has to look at a little boy that looks like him everyday for the rest of her life… Rocky actually said this same exact thing and told that same story, during an interview Tocha and him had together in 2021, about Tocha’s vegan recipe book. You can find the interview on YouTube.
Because she THOUGHT Rocky was going to “move” Tocha’s money into an account for she and him to ride off into the sunset with… she’s a big bird
Lolol she’s dumb as a box of rocks 🤦🏽‍♀️😂
She wants sympathy when she she’s just as bad as her is girl bye, yo ass finna keep getting roasted