
Feb 13 at 08:26 AM

Hell no! I love the interviews!!!

Tasha is a blogger, she should and has the right to, interview ANYBODY. If you donā€™t like him, donā€™t watch slow bird


Melody only gives him her ā€œtrap phoneā€ number, not her real phone numberā€¦ itā€™s very possible that messages from her other phone, really are green and arenā€™t from an iPhone


She definitely needs a new storyline, or to just show her ACTUAL life. Same with Martel. I stopped watching also


I love you TK but this nigga wasted your time and mine, he isnā€™t even being serious. I donā€™t believe heā€™s hell bent on getting back with dumbasss Melody either, Iā€™m sure the show manipulates things to make her look better, but Iā€™m not buying that he didnā€™t think she was beautiful when he met her. Iā€™m also not believing that heā€™s ā€œteam Arionneā€ eitherā€¦ heā€™s just full of shit. Him, Melody, and Arionne all deserve each other.

Idk why she got mad at Tasha for reading her text messages in that last video, because I had already put the very first interview in slow motion and read them all before Tasha even did that šŸ˜©šŸ˜‚
Because she spent 5 years having a one sided beef with his wife in her own mind, while Tocha knew nothing about her.
Sheā€™s saying his either first name, or his stage name (name he performs with), only has 3 letters in it. Not his actual initials, in that sense.