Blaque Pearlz & Chocolate Diamondz

Tasha K, this was another excellent interview. REAL TALK, please stay safe. You are doing your thing and you know people LOVE to use your name. I pray you & your family are and will stay safe


I question some trains of thought. Why would she give her son up to a "man" that didn't want to take a paternity test? Just because a sperm donor makes a request doesn't make it right. ESPECIALLY w/a known pattern. Where there's smoke there's fire. I don't have kids, hell we didn't even let my bro take his own cat because of where he moved. So what does a mom look like passing her son over to a grown man she doesn't know, who didn't take the time to get to know this young man not even as an "uncle"? AND he is in the industry?!? Not to mention he didn't/doesn't want to take a DNA test. I guess whatever she messed up (child support wise) was made up since he's made it to 30 yrs old.


Is this the same man that no one has proof he is really he ge claimed to be or related too?


In my 46 yrs of life I've NEVER had anything moist land on me in a store unless I was in the produce and water sprayed on me.

Chile, I hope it wasn't Goals

This was an excellent interview. I have been doing a LOT of praying here myself about my father. I've been letting God tell me which way to go. PRAY HE WILL help you ☺️


He tickled me when he heard to the left 🤣🤣!! I am so glad he said that. For the life of me I don't understand how all these various forms of sexuality have popped up when it STILL boils down to either being born as a female or male. You sleep w/the same sex your GAY!!


Antonette Eastmond.... He said he owes him at least $700. It's the hypocrisy, Soulja Boy tried to clown Meek Mill about sleeping w/Diddy. He said he felt some kind of way because Soulja Boy slept w/him, was supposed to pay $1500 and only paid him half.


Tasha girl, the interviewees are learning to come in & take control of the conversation.