Esther Tucker


Jan 24 at 08:28 AM

Just a bit of advise, I stop eating at 7 pm until the next day 1 pm, if your out and about, carry your healthy snacks, prepare ahead of time, yes a lot of night bathroom runs, try to pray and meditate before you start your day, tell yourself, I can do this I got this, Positive energy is a must. you tube has vegan recipes. I love roasted brussel sprouts. what do you love?


Jan 23 at 09:26 AM

Hey TK, if I'm not mistaken,Ā  I believe you did say we can have sweet potatoĀ  with cinnamon, correct me if I'm wrong??

Jan 22 at 03:10 PM

I broke mine 1hr ago, I ate 1 sweet potato every day, my stomach was crying šŸ˜­Ā 


Jan 21 at 01:42 PM

It gets better with time , I fast every day from 7pm to 12:00pm the next day, 16 hours, now I have deleted meat and sugar from menu, and now eating veggies and fruits and juicing, what a journey, Thank you TK

Commented on My Fruit Carousel

Jan 18 at 01:56 PM

Well IĀ  have a suggestion, if you're craving sugar,Ā  try buying bananas, grapes, oranges, sweet bananas, sweet potatoes, fresh pineapple, some of these will help with the sugar withdrawal, its real out hereĀ 


Commented on Day 3

Jan 18 at 11:21 AM

Thank you TK, I really needed this encouragement, I was a sugar addict,, withdrawal is real, but I'm doing it, life changesĀ 

Jan 15 at 03:32 PM

I would like to know if I should continue or stop my everyday vitamins???

Jan 15 at 03:29 PM

Hey TK. Thanks for the health journey, I'm with it, just need the link to purchase my olive leaf?