Andrea Moore

Her face told a story the whole night. While he talks too much and doesn't pay attention to her actions enough. 


She wants everybody else to be considered a hoe because she was one. Be real about your stuff. Has nothing to do with nobody else. 


Actually he's infatuated with looks and the sex. 


Something is not right with her. And she's not happy. And why still have an All Fans page? 


Everyone is saying she's on something but she's been through a lot. She was sent to prison, she lost her kids, the man she loved schemed her, took her money and basically everything she had. Took her businesses. She has no way to take care of herself and her kids. This is very traumatizing. Noone knows how they would be if they went through all of that.


Yes he's honest. He is showing the confusion that most abused kids go through. Since he's now an adult, if he doesn't get intense counseling, he will most likely always be confused about his sexuality. 
