Andrea Moore

Yes he's honest. He is showing the confusion that most abused kids go through. Since he's now an adult, if he doesn't get intense counseling, he will most likely always be confused about his sexuality. 


WOW!! Powerful interview! It shows the mindset of someone who was abused as a kid and now struggles with sexuality as an adult.It shows how an abuse victim is able to compartmentalize sexual emotions and actions.It also exposes people who are supposedly"so called"spiritual leaders in our communities and what's going on behind closed doors. How people who preach righteousness while committing all types of wrong doings!  It shows that we shouldn't trust people just because they pose as spiritual leaders. It also shows not to trust our babies with anyone!! Stop allowing these religious leaders access to your kids! If I can't be there, my child can't be there! People be so upset with people like Lester BUT Lester is giving us insight on topics that we NEED to discuss! Stop sweeping topics like this under the rug! Too many of our kids have been sexually abused by someone they trusted! THANKS TASHA FOR BEING SO COURAGEOUS BY BRINGING US TOPICS MOST ARE AFRAID TO TALK ABOUT. I Fck Wth U! ❤️❤️


Yes you most definitely should leave if you feel that way. Tasha talks about so many different types of subjects. Soooo... 👀


Patricia Lee Yes, I agree, you guys should unsuscribe if you feel that way. 


He is Delusional. And low key doesn't like biological women. Don't blame biological women for the problems with the Trans world. He's very ignorant.

I definitely don't like him and Tasha is great to even sit down with him after he acted so ridiculous towards her.