Tasha K Support Team

Corey be right sometimes though

When Jeff picture came up and how Tasha laughed 😂😂😂

Feb 06 at 09:51 PM

Cocaine is a hellva drug and expensive…she he does it too….she bought Marco a lambo😂😂😂

Feb 06 at 08:50 PM

Burna Boy should have down his own thing. He’s great ALONE.

Latai King she said she was trying to lose it on the last show

The BC rollout made me not want to support Jess. They already using her.


Tasha I feel like you need to wear something else until you lose your vacation weight. I say this in love. I need the set back. If it’s not broke don’t fix it. Wineo 4 ever.

Fantasia giving puppet…black fat gal gon eat and Taraji was looking broke