Ingrid Rachel

As long as her lawyers show TASHA didn’t DEMAND anything from him she’s fine. The assistant on the other hand…. May be in trouble. Tasha is added for clickbait. He’s great at knowing how to capitalize on the media.

I’m sorry but it would have been a Kill Bill situation. I have not watched yet. The title alone has me so shook and angry 😡

1)If it didn’t matter…. None of us would have tuned in.

2) If he was done he wouldn’t have continued to speak on it in THIS interview. lol 😂

One thing that is leaving a bad taste in my mouth… the good brother has no problem with others doing favors for him to prosper (Jamie Foxx chain promotion.) Yet he can’t do a solid for the wife of his best friend? One that’s paid him very well? If it was supposed to be money exchange, the money question should have happened prior to the service. If he didn’t wanna do it for free for her because he doesn’t like her then he should have just declined. Some of this ““ betrayal is his own fault. IJS

Agreed sounds like the fake sidekick of Chris Basset’s interview in some places. But I think it’s coming from a brotherhood/family thing. He feels like Will should be ride or die like he was… but he has yet to mention a time he took Will’s side over his wife… Any man that would ride for his boys over his wife out in the open is not a man.

Because he done said it all himself! Lol 😂

Thank you for letting her know she’s suspect as hell! Lol 😂

This was a great interview Tasha!

Will isn’t Muslim… your word IS your bond. You can’t commingle business with friendships without paperwork. PERIODT! Before you went to that company and said Will was going to post you should of had paperwork OR the actual post!
