Ingrid Rachel


You’re a friend…. That’s his wife. Forsaken ALL OTHERS means just that. This holds true in Islam and every other religion I know of. He’s not going to go against her in front of ANYONE. He may have checked her or had a conversation later… but that’s not your business sir! I understand your feelings but if we standing on things based off of the beliefs that you brought to the forefront. You have to accept and respect that based off of the teachings in the Quran. Ishallah, you can move past that pain.

They better leave that man alone! Just say sorry Jada apologized to the man!

He’s twisting the definition of a mistress. Not once did he deny having sexual relations with that woman! Lol 🤣

Well that went left swiftly… 😳😳😳

Nov 11 at 07:20 AM

How she kept her cool when TS went for her kids and husband was masterful.