KaiTeena B

Virginia Beach, VA, United States

Replied on What a BUST

Apr 25 at 11:21 AM

Loved it
I'll never get that 1 hour AND 31 minutes back😐
Every question...the answers get weirder and weirder
WHAT IN THE HELL DID I JUS WATCH!! I'm so confused...jus like Tasha's face😐😒

Apr 21 at 12:50 PM

"Me 2"

Apr 19 at 06:10 AM

OMG...He WAS PISSED!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I tagged Tasha in it.

Replied on WHAT!! 🤣

Apr 17 at 01:09 PM

Hello and Welcome!!

Apr 15 at 05:14 PM


Commented on WHAT!! 🤣

Apr 15 at 02:46 PM

The video I was watching Tasha K didn't "say" anything...she interviewed. But, a hit dog will holler every time!!!!