
You may call it judge mental I call it facts. I would have compassion if some of the things she said made sense but they didnā€™t. I have compassion for the children of course because no child should have to experience that type of life. Yes I have 7 children and I started at 15 years old all of my children are thriving adults and children. I have always worked hard to ensure they have a great life.Itā€™s not about material items more then it is the children being safe and happy. There is no way Iā€™m fucking any man and my children and I are in a shelter. Sorry! My vagina wouldnā€™t work. God bless we have never been in that situation bc imma go out and get it. I pray god changed things around after this interview dropped. And as a black woman we have to work harder and continue to be our best version of ourselves bc this world will eat you alive.
I agree I picked that up around the 10 -15 minute markā€¦ she looks like she pops pills and drinks a lot of wine šŸ· lol
šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚This interview was a fire boxā€¦ she is not doing all that she say
Exactly! Itā€™s giving liar!!!! Her words conflict each otherā€¦
Yeah don't ever call me a lair or throw shit at me.. And ya better watch ya mouth šŸ¤Ŗ
No Fr Fr ainā€™t no way we homeless. Iā€™m getting paystubs and she lies to much
Occasionally a baby comes out and they holding it!!! See ion get this, how does she have a BF and you live in the shelter. Iā€™m kind of confused about her. I have 7 children and I work hella hard and live in San Diego CAā€¦ yeah she needs to get her self in order. Thereā€™s no time for a nigga. She got a rebuttal for everything you saidā€¦